
How to make a reservation

General about reservations

Avoid unnecessary reservations. Always pick the book from the shelf if possible. This overrides any reservations made by other patrons.

You cannot choose a loan period for the book when you make a reservation. It is possible to get a copy for either loan period.

How to make a reservation

You can make a reservation online on MetCat Finna.

An active library card is required to 3AMK (Laurea, Haaga-Helia, Metropolia) Libraries.

  • Login to MetCat Finna
  • Search and find the book information
  • If there are items that can be reserved online, a Place a request on the title link will appear on the top of the availabilty information section. Click on the link.
  • Fill in the form
  • - No longer required after allows you to choose the date you want the reservation to expire. Note that this may have and effect on the pick up time
    - Pick up location - choose the campus library you wish to pick up your reservation at
    - Activate I understand that library charges 2€ for requests left unpicked.
  • Choose Submit request link
  • You will receive and email when the book is available for pick up. In the email you'll also find the last possible date for pick up.

Reserving is not possible

  • If you don't have an active library account (library card) to 3UAS Library
  • If you already have checked out the title in question
  • If you have fines 15 € or more
  • If you have 50 active reservations
  • Reading room copies or journals can not be reserved

Cancelling your reservation

  • If the requested item is already in the pickup shelf or on it's way from another campus library, the request can not be cancelled through Finna. Contact the pickup location.
  • In other cases login to MetCat Finna and cancel the request there.

Delivery time

    Delivery time varies. Books sent from other campus libraries take usually up to one week.